The urgent need to combat climate change necessitates a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Biomass fuels, which are derived from organic matter, offer abundant potential for sustainable energy production. However, the expansion of biomass conversion technologies has been slow owing to complex sustainability concerns. The Workstream on Biomass Quantification and Sustainability Governance (referred to as the Sustainability Workstream) is dedicated to demonstrating the long-term benefits of biomass while addressing uncertainties surrounding supply chains, land use, and ecosystem health. In our presentation, we will share the ongoing efforts of the workstream to engage stakeholders across political boundaries and job sectors. Additionally, we will actively seek input from meeting participants to understand how generating energy from biomass pertains to their research or profession. By fostering participation and facilitating dialogue across civil society, the Sustainability Workstream strived to provide viable solutions for a greener and more resilient future.The successful implementation of sustainable biomass practices relies heavily on the support and involvement of local stakeholders. Building this support requires thoughtful coordination and long-term collaboration that respects the perspectives of local groups and works towards mutually desired outcomes. To facilitate the process, the Sustainability Workstream has engaged stakeholders worldwide to identify areas of agreement and contention regarding biomass-related issues. In return, we have received invaluable input on topics such as indirect land use change, conflicts with biodiversity conservation goals, and disparities between model predictions and practical experiences. Drawing from these interactions, the workstream has developed recommendations to address controversies surrounding the utilization of biomass for energy. These recommendations will be shared with policymakers during events organized by the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), the body overseeing the Sustainability Workstream.During our presentation, we will showcase key findings from the Sustainability Workstream’s multi-sector collaborations and discuss future directions, particularly in terms of ensuring that sound ecological concepts inform the interface of land management and energy applications. Aligned with this year’s conference theme, we will encourage our audience to contribute their perspectives on sustainable biomass and its integration into climate-smart development strategies. By engaging with “all ecologists,” we anticipate gaining novel insights into the appropriate role of biomass in effective climate governance.