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Presentation Guidelines

Technical Information (All In Person Talks)

We realize that losing speaking time due to technical glitches or other problems is a frustrating and stressful experience. This information is provided to presenters in advance in order to help minimize problems on the day of the presentation.

Plan to arrive at your session room 15 minutes in advance of your session. This time is for checking in with the session presider and transferring your presentation to the laptop in the room. A student A/V volunteer will be available to assist you.

Technical Information (Remote Speakers in Hybrid SYMP, OOS, INS)

Remote speakers will join hybrid invited sessions through Zoom. We are still working out the logistics for remote speakers with our AV support company. We will update this section and send instructions to remote speakers during July. For now, please plan to use a laptop with a stable internet connection (preferably ethernet), with the latest version of Zoom installed, and a headset that includes a microphone that you have tested on the same computer.

Contributed and Organized Oral Talks

Contributed oral presentations are scheduled for 15 minute timeslots. 12 minutes are allotted for each presentation plus 3 minutes for questions. Time limits will be enforced by the session moderator (OOS) or presider (COS), who will warn each speaker when they are approaching their time limit.

You may end before 12 minutes to allow more discussion but you should not run over this time. The 3 minute period between talks belongs to the audience, not to the speaker. This period allows for questions, discussion, and a smooth transition to the next speaker. Q&A will be managed by the the session moderator (OOS) or presider (COS).

Symposium Talks

Symposium presentations are scheduled for 20 minute timeslots. 15 minutes are allotted for each presentation plus 5 minutes for questions. Time limits will be enforced by the session moderator, who will warn each speaker when they are approaching their time limit.

You may end before 15 minutes to allow more discussion but you should not run over this time. The 5 minute period between talks belongs to the audience, not to the speaker. This period allows for questions, discussion, and a smooth transition to the next speaker. Q&A will be managed by the session moderator.

Inspire Talks

Inspire presentations should run 5 minutes. The session moderator will introduce each speaker but in this type of session it is the automatic timing of the slides that will keep the presentation on schedule. We do not list specific talk times for Inspire since the transition between speakers can take a minute or two.

An extended Q&A and discussion will take place at the end of the session. Unlike most other session types, there will not be time between the talks for Q&A.

Microsoft PowerPoint is the format speakers must use for Inspire presentations. We will send every speaker instructions on how to set up the slide timings in PowerPoint. Session moderators and A/V volunteers will also have these instructions.

Contributed Posters and Latebreaking Posters